Sponsor Education
Take advantage of sponsoring a class or program. Come to where your clients, and potential clients, already are. MFNW education classes happen every week and there is a topic for everyone! Got questions? We are happy to assist you with planning your MFNW engagement strategy.
Promote. Inspire. Engage.
Questions? Contact Ericka Hargis | Education Coordinator
NOTE: This is a reference of all possible opportunities. Sponsorships are available on a first-come, first-served basis and availability is not guaranteed. For current availability of specific sponsorships contact events@multifamilynw.org.
Education Sponsorships
Annual Feature Education Sponsor: $1,500
Become one of ten featured education sponsors for the 2020 education program!
- 6 free class vouchers (voucher value = $90)
- 3 class introductions (3-5 minutes to introduce yourself and company)
NAA Designation Sponsor: $1000
- Exclusive sponsorship of a set of designation courses:
- Choice of CAM or CAMT
- Each designation taught twice per year
- 3-5 Minutes to introduce yourself and your product during lunch.
- Opportunity to network with students
- Recognition as a “Designation Sponsor”
- Networking and promotional material distribution opportunities with present and future industry decision-makers.
In-Person Class Sponsor: $300 each
- Exclusive sponsorship of a single class session.
- 3-5 Minutes to introduce yourself
- Opportunity to network with students at registration before session and during breaks.
- Recognition as a “Class Sponsor” on presentation screen and/or printed handouts.
- Promotional material distribution opportunity with present and future industry decision makers.
- Sponsors may provide snacks, lunch or breakfast if they wish. MFNW staff can assist with arrangements.
Webinar Sponsor: $250 each
- Exclusive sponsorship of a single class session.
- 2-3 Minutes to introduce yourself
- Recognition as a “Class Sponsor” on materials and marketing
- Contact list of class attendees for additional promotion
Did we miss something? If you have a suggestion for a digital opportunity we are missing or want to customize your digital connections contact us!